Sports For Kids
"Help get little ones off the sidelines! Far too often childhood lives are wasting away doing lack-luster activities. Only with your financial support of Funclips products & services can we meet the needs of many families and their children who have the burning desire to play!"
You can make a
in a kid’s life!

Dear Friends:
One of the greatest pleasures in a young person's life is learning and excelling in sport! Sadly, across Canada thousands of underprivileged children go without playing sport due to family financial barriers. Sports for Kids wants to help make the dream of sport participation possible for hundreds of children.
We believe all youth should be given the opportunity to play sports. Funding raised will be used primarily for the payment of children's registration fees. These fees in turn will assist sport organizations to conduct their day-to-day operations.
Our core objective is to provide each family and their child with up to a $300 grant. Funclips Corp. is our largest financial backer and based on it's past revenue numbers, can assist upwards of 100 children per year.
Please promote and share the application-for-assistance! The time it takes for a parent or caregiver to complete this short-form and click the submit button can have a long-lasting positive impact on the life of that child.
With the purchase of any Funclips product or service, you will strengthen our ability to support the ever increasing number of children that have the desire to play!
Thank-you for supporting Sports for Kids!
Franz L. Cauchi
1691 Dufferin Street, Toronto, Ontario, M6E 3N9
Phone: 647-901-9704